How does customizing content by user role benefit the business?

Eric Weisbrod, Director of Technical Services

Get everyone on the same page — and give them the specific information they need to do their job better — while promoting the standardization your organization needs to be successful. Learn more about Enact. Video Transcription: When we tailor content for individual users, it provides several benefits. Number 1, everyone’s playing from the same page. The dashboards are standardized, so everyone is actually looking at the same dashboard. What’s different is maybe what they see. Say I’m at the corporate level; I might see everything across the company. If I’m at the regional level, I’ll see things just for my region. If I’m at a site level, I just see things from my site. Everyone uses the same dashboard, and it’s configured the same way to give them the same information; but their decisions might occur on different levels. So you’re not weeding through all of this different information. You’re not trying to decipher how to filter down to get to exactly what you need. It’s already presented to you in this tailored format. That has benefits not only to the end user because they see what they need—but also from a system administration and maintenance standpoint, where they actually don’t have to build all of these things out. It’s a way of promoting the standardizing that ultimately organizations need to be successful.